Approach 1
Use function "rcorrcens" in package "Hmisc"
- Can only handle un-censored data
- Roughly handle categorical predictor with more than 2 categories
Sample code:
surv <- Surv(survival, censor)
rcorrcens(surv ~ group)
Approach 2
Direct output from coxph
Require higher version of R, say R 2.15, didn't test with older versions
Sample code:
surv <- Surv(survival, censor)
sum.surv <- summary(coxph(surv ~ group))
c_index <- sum.surv$concordance
Approach 3
Use function "survConcordance"Result is the same as in Approach 2
Sample code:
surv <- Surv(survival, censor)
fit <- coxph(
surv ~ group)
survConcordance(surv ~ predict(fit))
Approach 4
Use package "survcomp" in bioconductorDifferent result from Approach 2/3
The disparity is due to two different estimation approaches that are used to handle tied risks (i.e. cases when two observations have the same survival with the same x). The method that approaches 4/5 use ignores the tied risks, the other method (approaches 2/3) takes into consideration of the tied risks. In terms of formulation/symbol (for illustration only):
Approaches 4/5 used:
Concordance = #all concordant
pairs/#total pairs ignoring ties.
Approaches 2/3 used:
Concordance = (#all concordant
pairs + #tied pairs/2)/(#total pairs including ties).
Those #s can be obtained in the output of Approach 3.
Sample code:
source("http://bioconductor.org/biocLite.R")Sample code:
surv <- Surv(survival, censor)
fit <- coxph(surv ~ group, data= sample.data)
coxPredict <- predict(fit, data=sample.data, type="risk")
concordance.index(x=coxPredict, surv.time=survival, surv.event=censor, method="noether")
Approach 5
Use function "cph" in package "rms"Provide both un-adjusted and bias adjusted c-index
Un-adjusted c-index is the same as the one from Approach 4
Sample code:
surv <- Surv(survival, censor)
fit.cph <- cph(surv ~ group, data= sample.data, x=TRUE, y=TRUE, surv=TRUE)
# Get the Dxy
v <- validate.cph(fit.cph, dxy=TRUE, B=1000)
Dxy = v[rownames(v)=="Dxy", colnames(v)=="index.corrected"]
orig_Dxy = v[rownames(v)=="Dxy", colnames(v)=="index.orig"]
# The c-statistic according to Dxy=2(c-0.5)
bias_corrected_c_index <- abs(Dxy)/2+0.5
orig_c_index <- abs(Orig.Dxy)/2+0.5
Combining Approaches 2/3 & 4/5 and Calculate p-value for Testing Two C-indices for Both Estimation Methods
Did not find it elsewhere online. Hope someone could find this helpful.=================================================
Sample code:
surv <- Surv(survival, censor)
c_index <- function(group, ties=TRUE){
fit <- coxph(surv ~ group, data=sample.data)
coxPredict <- predict(fit, data=sample.data, type="risk")
# Approaches 4/5
if (ties==F) {
concordance.index(x=coxPredict, surv.time=survival, surv.event=censor, method="noether")
# Approaches 2/3
else if (ties==T) {
survConcordance(surv ~ coxPredict, data=sample.data)
c_index_ties1 <- c_index(group=group1, ties=TRUE)
c_index_ties2 <- c_index(group=group2, ties=TRUE)
c_index_no_ties1 <- c_index_ties(group=group1, ties=F)
c_index_no_ties2 <- c_index_ties(group=group2, ties=F)
# p-value of testing two c-indices ignoring ties
round(cindex.comp(c_index_no_ties1, c_index_no_ties2)$p.value,3)
# Function for p-value of testing two c-indices accounting for ties
# t-test for dependent variables is used for significance
# Input variables are objects obtained from the first function
cindex.p.ties <- function(c_index_ties1, c_index_ties2, c_index_no_ties1, c_index_no_ties2) {
eps <- 1E-15
n <- c_index_no_ties1$n
r <- cor(c_index_no_ties1$data$x, c_index_no_ties2$data$x, use="complete.obs", method="spearman")
if ((1 - abs(r)) > eps) {
t.stat <- (c_index_ties1$concordance - c_index_ties2$concordance) / sqrt(c_index_ties1$std.err^2 + c_index_ties2$std.err^2 - 2 * r * c_index_ties1$std.err * c_index_ties2$std.err)
diff.ci.p <- pt(q=t.stat, df=n - 1, lower.tail=FALSE)
} else { diff.ci.p <- 1 }
cindex.p.ties(c_index_ties1=c_index_ties1, c_index_ties2=c_index_ties2, c_index_no_ties1=c_index_no_ties1, c_index_no_ties2=c_index_no_ties2)
I am a learner from S. Korea. Your blog gave me a solution. I am very happy now. Thank you very much!!! ^^
ReplyDeleteI am a doctor from Vietnam. Thanks for your useful entry.
ReplyDeleteI am from S.Korea. 'predict' function is not considered 'NA' value. so 'survConcordance' and 'concordance.index' function couldn't calculated.(variable lengths differ). 'rcorrcens' function could be calculated. but I am afraid of getting different result with the STATA program(estat concordance).